The question, I suppose, has been asked by many, does God heal today? Sadly, some are even unaware that they should at least ask the question. They assume that miracles are not for today, and sadder still, some of these people are Christians. 

To answer the question simply, Yes, God certainly does heal today. How do I know this? I don’t have to personally witness one single miracle or even see one on television or read about one in a book. I know God heals today because the Bible says so. Anyone who tells you differently is, frankly, not telling you the truth.

We see throughout Scripture that God is a God of Healing. In the earthly ministry of Jesus, He healed. He said He came to destroy the works of the devil and do the will of the Father. So what does that say about sickness? Sickness is from Satan. Actually, sickness and all else that plagues mankind is the result of the fall in the Garden of Eden, i.e., sin. But Jesus’ death on Calvary paid the penalty for our sin, and we’re told that by the beating he took, He paid the price for our healing of sickness. The Bible also tells us that Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So the question should not be raised concerning a “day of miracles.” Instead we should realize that we, if we are saved, serve a God of the miraculous.

If this is true, you many ask, why are so many people sick? One might also ask the question, why are so many people dying lost and going to Hell? It’s certainly not because that’s what God wants; He wants everyone to be saved. People either die lost because they never heard the Gospel or else they heard and rejected it. 

So why are some people not healed? Some have never heard that God is a Healer. Unfortunately it is not preached from the pulpits today as it should be. Some have heard the message and rejected. What about those who have heard, are believing, and still haven’t been healed? I don’t think anyone who is as humble and honest as he should be can answer that question completely. But the fact is many have been healed, are being healed today, and more importantly, God’s Word says that healing is ours. 

The important point is that we should start believing God to work out our physical problems, just as you would believe Him to work out anything else that’s wrong in your life. If you’ve already been believing for a miracle and it hasn’t come yet, don’t give up! God has not forgotten you. And He will give you the grace you need to get where He wants you to go.

So often we short change God and don’t allow Him to be the God He has promised that He is. Our unbelief stops God. He is moved by our faith. Ask God to increase your faith. Make sure that you have given your life as totally to Him as you know how to do at this point in your life.

Remember, in the Atonement, there is not only Salvation, which, of course, is the most important thing, since it’s eternal, but there is also Healing provided for the physical body. God may heal you by medicine and by working through a doctor, He may not be able to heal some until they take the proper care of themselves. But where medical science has to stop and say “There’s nothing else we can do,” that’s when God step in and provide for His own.

Please believe Him for your miracle today. Again, He’s only limited by our faith. He’s a big God, so believe big. He’s conquered cancer, AIDS, heart disease, and any other disease you can name. Start to praise the Lord Jesus Christ right now for buying the gift of healing at Calvary. All that’s left for us to do is to receive it.

Published in: on May 18, 2008 at 7:47 pm  Comments (9)  
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9 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Good, day. Just a few comments.

    I wrote a blog a while ago showing how in Scripture God is always the ultimate authority allowing sickness, not Satan, Satan is merely a tool God uses, ie Job. In the Bible we see Timothy being sick, Paul being ill, as well as companions of Paul, when Paul writes to the, he doesn’t say, “Hey, claim that victory, he said he left the behind so they could recover. Yes Jesus and the apostles healed, but have you ever noticed a Scripture reference where a non-apostle or at least someone closely attached to the apostles heals?

    Furthermore, I do believe in healing, but I am not sure if you are referring to the gift of healing (which the entire church understood to have ceased from the end of the 1st century till the 1900’s) or the fact that God in his sovereign will chooses to heal often through our prayers.

    Just some thoughts as iron sharpens iron. bless you

  2. Dear Brother, Thank you so much for commenting. I agree with you that nothing happens to the child of God that God doesn’t either cause or allow. No one has all the answers as it regards the miraculous. I do not believe that a Christian or anyone else for that matter, can use some type of formula to get healing everytime, But I do believe that God heals today and the gifts of the Spirit HAVE NOT passed away. Whatever we face; we must trust God.
    Bless you

  3. In the constitution of the Church I attend there is a sentence that says the miraculous sign gifts given in the early days of The Church were for a special time and purpose and not intended to be a pattern for the present day. Some scriptures are given that, when I read them, seem not to address that statement at all. I’ve read about The Gifts of The Spirit and their manifestations and have seen evidence of them in the lives of people I know.
    In this Church of which I speak there are people sick with cancer and heart trouble. Their names are written on a board and their names are mentioned briefly in prayer but there is no provision for the Elders to come and anoint such a person and pray over him/her in the Name of Jesus as instructed by James in his 5th chapter verses 14 & 15. And many die. As I contemplate this situation I have to wonder if this might be the same type of church as the Church at Laodicea described in the 3rd chapter of Revelation. On the other hand the Gospel is preached and it appears that many have accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They preach about the Rapture, the Tribulation and Millennial reign of Christ. I’m not sure what to think about this situation.

  4. Dear Mizpah 31, Thanks for you thoughtful comment.
    The church that you refer to seems to be very developed in believing God to get people saved; but then underdeveloped in healing, miracles, gifts,etc.
    Thank God for the people getting saved as that is most important. Every church does have people with sickness in it because all of humanity is a product of the fall.
    But, Our God does heal today and, as you have witnessed, the gifts of the Holy Spirit are for us today.
    We should never make merchandise out of miracles and neither should we discount miracles. We must preach, teach, and believe that God can. The church should always pray for the sick and anoint with oil in the Name of Jesus, just as you have said.
    Thank you for writing Brother,
    Trust God.

  5. its not bad,but here i need your help to answer this question .it nessaccialy for us to believe in the miracle of jesus or not or we can belive without miracles

  6. Dear Kasiririoi, Thank you for your comments. I believe that to be saved you must believe that Jesus Died on the Cross and shed His blood for your sins. When a person is Born-Again, they will believe the words of Jesus. They will believe that Jesus is who He said He was. God bless you.

  7. Back in the late 70’s some of us who had received The Baptism in The Holy Spirit would go together to hear various spirit filled preachers when they came to town. One evening at the end of his talk one of these preachers
    invted anyone with a physical problem to come up for prayer. In our group there was an elderly lady who went forward. She was quite reserved but loved the Lord and was not shy in her praise and worship of Him. We waited and in a few minutes she rejoined us. She said when the preacher got to her he’d asked her how he might pray for her. She’d told him she had back trouble. He’d looked at her and asked her if one of her legs was shorter than the other. She’d been surprised and told him it was but that no one knew about it. He smiled and said, “but The Lord knows”. He asked if she had a lift in one shoe and she said she did. He had her sit down and take off her shoes. He held them both in his hands and prayed and as he did the short leg grew 3/4 of an inch. They both thanked the Lord, she put her shoes back on minus the lift and came looking for us. Later she told us that her orthopedic doctor had confirmed that now both legs were the same and her back was much better. Perhaps this will explain why I don’t believe that The Gifts of The Holy Spirit are no longer in operation. Mizpah

  8. I’m sorry. I should explain, the preacher held both of her feet in his hands when he prayed. Not her shoes.

  9. Try part-taking the Holy Communion daily, for it is by His stripes we were healed Isa53. The bread signifies our Lord’s body broken for us.

    As often as we do this, do in remembrance of Him, not as memorial but in active going through the motion seeing Him literally taking the scourging on our behalf, bearing not just our sins but also our illness on His body — that we may be made whole.

    The chastisement of our shalom peace is upon Him, hence the chastisement is not on us. Jesus did this for us so that we can always be right with our holy Abba Father, Daddy God. So that we can come into His presence with full confidence that we are accepted in Christ, and hence receive our miracles.

    Many have been healed just by part-taking the Holy Communion, the covenant meal, daily.

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